Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quack. Quack. Quack.

After picking Wyatt up from school yesterday, we went to the park to feed the ducks and enjoy this not-so-hot Springtime weather!

I have realized that I in fact have a small fear of ducks. They are unpredictable! One would follow us and seemed to be on crack. I don't really know what I was expecting since they are College Station ducks, and their main source of food is most likely beer. The last pic is of our favorite one, whom we dubbed Afroman.

Wyatt loves them, and it is so fun to see him interact with animals at this age. He is too fearless, and we had to continually make sure
that he didn't just dive right into the pond. Or, get attacked by a duck.

My favorite part was when Wy got tired of feeding them bread, and just ate it himself. As much as we tried, when we would give him more pieces to throw he just reared back...and dropped it in his mouth.

I have a short video of it, but try as I may, I cannot get blogspot to work with me here! I am going to keep trying so be looking for it, because you HAVE to see how close these stinkin' things get to you! I am getting freaked out right now just thinking about it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Weekends Sneak Up On Me

I realized the other day, that it has been a very long time since I have been to the movies. This really has nothing to do with anything that's been going on in my life, but it is sad to me that I don't even have two hours to spare anymore!
Well, when I do, I like to use it forsleeping.

Now onto Geiger news.
Lately, I haven't been able to take or pick up Wy Guy from school, which truly bums me out (and yes, he's still mean). So when I do get to go, they always have interesting stories for me. We can all figure out that Wyatt is no napper, but I think he has officially gotten onto his school's schedule! For the past 6 months he has only napped 20 minutes but this past week he has slept the WHOLE TIME! 12:30 to 2:00 people...this is HUGE! But the funny part of it is, the teachers have a "Wyatt Nap Dance" that they do now to celebrate the fact that my son did what the other kids already do. I just laugh every time I think of 4 women dancing around and Wy clapping because he was quiet for an hour and a half. Lovely.

Wy and his daddy got to go antiquing with Bubba and Grandmommy this weekend, where they all got to witness a man buy a town. Yes, a town. $200,000 for Grove, TX. I was told that Bubba was itching to get in on the action. They also did what Jon calls his "good deed for the month" by helping a couple out of the mud while there. 2 hours round trip for 15 minutes of auctioning and mini-mudding.

We also visited a Cowboy Church and had a great time. Wyatt had the most fun, apparently, because he was entertaining everyone around him by running around and dancing to the music occasionally screaming for a blueberry during the sermon. Otherwise, he was just a peach.

Wyatt got some new shoes that LIGHT UP. Too cute, really. We put him in front of a mirror to check it out, and he just couldn't get enough of them. Bad idea on my part, because now he wants to run even more.

GET EXCITED Y'ALL. Because I took pics of Wyatt in the bluebonnets this year!
If only you could hear all of us yelling his name and dancing right now.
Seriously y'all. I'm not vain, but this kid is hot.
Oh Yay! We got a good one!
Jon with the 2 things he loves the most. 3, including the hat.
We got Uncle Z to play too.
Oh yes, I was there.

Some family friends' dog had puppies 3 weeks ago, and Wyatt got to meet them for the first time, and he thought they were the bee's knees. He was so careful to pet them, and kept trying to pick one up by the nape so we just put him in their box. Problem solved. I had a picture for this, but it was all iPhoney - which means grainy by the way - so I am going to have to bum one from Jon ASAP.

Dang. Thanks for reading all of that. I went a little nuts tonight. Love you all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some Turned 19 While Others Became 43

We had a VERY busy week, and it brought us cake...TWICE.
Wednesday was Kaitlyn's 19TH birthday. Not 18th (Aunt Denise) and not 20th (Mimi). Taylor and Kaitlyn came over for lasagna and it was delish. But the credit goes to Stoffer's this time.
Pay no attention to the horrible writing job on the cake. That crap is hard to use!
I realize I stole those pics from Taylor's facebook, but I needed to remind myself that Wyatt CAN be nice every now and again these days.
He has been very mean lately. I understand that mothers shouldn't say this...especially about their 1 year old. But oh my goodness, if that kid bites me or Jon one more time, I am going to lose it! I tried taking him to the park, and he screamed at me so loudly, that I had to put him in timeout twice.

Kaitlyn on occasion comes over to do her laundry since the dorms just positively suck. We got to watch Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs again, and it's even funnier the second time. I think it's one of my top 5 movies now.

Saturday, I got to go play with my besties Cara and Diana. But I will leave that out for everyone else's sake.

On Sunday, my dad, his parents, and his sister came to Aggieland to celebrate my dad's birthday. We were going to eat at Longhorn Tavern but drove there only to find it CLOSED. Then we headed over to Sodolak's but it too, was CLOSED. We ended up at Roadhouse since I am pretty sure it's the only steakhouse open in B/CS on a stinkin' Sunday! When God rested on the 7th day, I bet he ate, you guys.

I will do better about posting more regularly, but I couldn't reach the computer since I ate so much birthday cake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Next Stop...Baby Gap!

I am sure you recognize the sweet face in the center.
Wy's picture was used for census posters in the Waco area!
Everybody starts somewhere.

Monday, April 12, 2010

We Didn't Do Much.

I realize it's been a few days since I have written, but we had a fairly boring weekend so there wasn't too much to write about. Jon and some of his friends went to Chilifest on Saturday, so Wyatt and I ran some errands and played at the playground. That poor boy is going to enjoy shopping and Jon is not going to be happy about that.

Here's some quick cuteness:
This is the first time I have seen this happen.
I was doing a crossword, and looked down only when I realized his feet were no longer being kicked in the air.
How cute, right?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Caribbean Nights

This Wednesday brought me nothing special. Just some errands to be ran, a work out, a dinner to be cooked, and a study session. I made a darn good meal this evening...and it looked pretty. I made Caribbean Pork with Sweet Potatoes and Mango-Jicamo Sauce. Sounds fancy, right? It was definitely different and "adventurous" as Jon and I decided to say. I added a side of mac-n-cheese to the meal because it's a favorite at the Geiger house. Jon had seconds of everything, so I know I did a good job. That boy can eat though.
This was kind of a last hoorah to eating meat because Jon and I have to decided to go what I like to call "selective vegetarian" for a little while. Jon thinks it's girly because no man wouldn't eat beef, so he's really doing it because I asked him to. We are giving up red meat because of the articles that we have read about the stress hormones in cows. I don't know how long I will be able to last, because I love me some heffer.

Wyatt's allergies are acting up so if anyone has a good idea how to get that under control, I would greatly appreciate it!

Pop sent me pics of Abby's lacrosse game the other day, and I must say she looks like quite a stud!
I need to come to one of your games soon Abby Noel!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There Went Peter Cottontail...

Happy Belated Easter!

The Geiger clan headed to China Spring this year to enjoy the weekend. We headed up there Thursday night, and I was very happy to not have class Friday OR Saturday! On Friday, we got to visit with Jon's "other family", who the oldest daughter was induced to have her first child that day! After holding him for a few moments I had to give him back because I could feel baby fever consuming me! Only enough love for my Wyatt right now, athankyou. That night, Jon, Gage, Zac, and myself went to the Wade Bowen concert in downtown Waco and had a pretty good time! There are definitely some weirdos there (for example, a man in an orange pimp suit with stilts and half a mustache). Needless to say, it was fun for all ages.

Saturday, we were able to witness Wyatt's first Easter egg hunt! Sadly, I think I may have to get excited about next year because he just wasn't getting it. He received bubbles in his Easter basket and that was ALL he cared about. We did get some cute pics though - just not near as many as I had hoped, but to be honest people...he was boring. When he would pick up an egg, he immediately opened it, and poured out all of the candy into the basket. I would try to take the egg and get him to "find" another but he would scream bloody murder because I was taking his beloved egg. We'll work on it. Wy and his new friend Jeremy, played with the bubbles for hours. It was truly priceless, and I haven't seen him laugh that hard in a long time!
Sunday, Jon, Wyatt, Hope, Brandi, Tricia, Zac, and I went to church and then headed to Grandma Dvorsky's for some homecooking! We had a great time, but it was a VERY tiring weekend! It is times like these that I am thankful for no Monday classes - great scheduling on my part.