I have realized that I in fact have a small fear of ducks. They are unpredictable! One would follow us and seemed to be on crack. I don't really know what I was expecting since they are College Station ducks, and their main source of food is most likely beer. The last pic is of our favorite one, whom we dubbed Afroman.
Wyatt loves them, and it is so fun to see him interact with animals at this age. He is too fearless, and we had to continually make sure
that he didn't just dive right into the pond. Or, get attacked by a duck.
My favorite part was when Wy got tired of feeding them bread, and just ate it himself. As much as we tried, when we would give him more pieces to throw he just reared back...and dropped it in his mouth.
I have a short video of it, but try as I may, I cannot get blogspot to work with me here! I am going to keep trying so be looking for it, because you HAVE to see how close these stinkin' things get to you! I am getting freaked out right now just thinking about it.
I just realized how to post comments....I may start doing this all the time!