Took Wy to the doctor this morning, because his fever came back again last night.
And of course, he awoke this morning with no fever. Why is it that once you take action, what you wanted in the first place finally happens?
Anywho, the doc said that his ears were very red, as was his throat. He was put on some antibiotics and should be wreaking havoc again in the next 48 hours.
For the first time, he didn't have to use the dadgum baby scale. They put him on the monstrous scale that the rest of us stand on, making him look like the tiniest person in the world. He weighed in at a whopping 25.7 ell-bees.
Funny; when I pick him up, I could swear he's at least 50 lbs.
We are at a point that we are virtually unable to take Wyatt anywhere because he just screams his head off when he doesn't get his way.
I am that mother that ditches her husband and "random screaming child in the middle of Sam's" due to sheer embarrassment.
So, if you ask us to go to dinner - we probably ain't comin'. Unless YOU want to tell Wyatt to quit throwing his spaghetti from his high chair?
Amy Beth sent me an email the other day for some cool kid stuff they have for the summer, and one of the links led to the cutest helmets I've ever seen.

You can find more at
I wish I had a rockin' helmet like that growing up.
Okay! I know y'all were waiting for one. My funny Wyatt story.
It's quick, I swear.
I was sitting on the couch, procrastinating leaving for my final and all the sudden I hear Wy's girly scream. I jump up to find him sandwiched between the wall and the fridge. And I don't mean just like an arm/leg - I'm talking entire body, head and all. Completely.
Honestly, I have NO idea why he is so enamored with that white box.
I would have taken a picture to prove this to him later, but he was VERY upset and freaked out.
My last final is tomorrow - praise Jesus! So if I normally call you on a regular basis, but you don't hear from me for awhile - I'm sleeping. Don't bug me. I will eventually call you.
Happy Tuesday! Don't forget to watch Cougartown tomorrow.
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