I hope that everyone had a good weekend!
Wyatt and I were roughin' it ourselves since Jon was working out of town. I feel like Wy tries to get away with more when it's just me, and he may just act a little goofier. I watched him run into a door...3 times...in a row. Sometimes I wonder if he's really all there. Ha.
On Saturday night, Cousin Kaitlyn came over to babysit Wyatt so that I could go play with some friends! We were both very excited. The babysitting actually consisted of doing her studying while Wyatt slept! BUT, nevertheless, I am still very thankful and will be asking her to do it again! Be prepared girl, because there will be the first time that you have to put him to sleep. YIKES.
Sunday - Wyatt, Cara, and I went to Houston so that we could try on our bridesmaid's dresses for our best friend's wedding! We met Mollie and Abby so that they could take Wyatt off our hands, because there is no telling what kind of terror that monster would bring at the Galleria! I had my first experience of buying emergency clothes that day. Like I have mentioned before, Wyatt has been going through the phase where everything needs to be removed and put somewhere else (i.e. the refrigerator). When Mollie got to the fields, Wyatt's shoes were no longer in his bag - flash foward to when we got back home: I found them in my bathtub - and we had to run to the outlet mall (BUMMER) to grab some shoes. THE CUTEST SKATER SHOES. A light jacket was also necessary. I sometimes feel like I get the justification for certain purchases from my mother. Sorry Mollie - it's true.
Wyatt has also been going through this deal where he likes to throw a HUGE fit when I drop him off at school. He holds onto my neck for dear life as if I'm leaving him forever. He then throws his toys at me as I'm leaving as if he is reminding me of how much he is thoroughly irritated. Such a Drama King.
Lastly, I went to the grocery store to get some food, obviously, and I ran across something unusual:

It's broccoflower! Is this not the weirdest thing you have ever seen? When did this happen? I am actually happy about it though, because I do enjoy me some broccoli and cauliflower. So why didn't I think of this???
I have some pictures to upload for you guys, but I can't find my tool that allows me to add them to my computer at the moment so I will do that ASAP!
Love you all!